Re-launching Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union: Now is the time to act!

Dimitris Tsingos
2 min readOct 9, 2022


Dear members and friends of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union,

Back in April 2020, shocked by the apparent lack of solidarity among the EU Members States during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, we dreamed of “Movimento Insieme” as a wide, pan-European peoples movement for the creation of the European Federal Union, as the latter is described in the Rome Manifesto.

Two and a half years later, the health crisis is still here; however, one can only be worried with the developments that followed it. There’s war in Europe, for first time after the end of WW2. We face a terrible energy crisis which is complemented, or boosted by, rising inflation. Fears of recession and a general economic crisis are very real and they can hardly make anyone optimistic for the future of our homeland.

What is striking is the continuous inability of Member State governments to recognize that the true interest of their own peoples can only be found in pan-European coordination and alignment. Each European country seems to still be under the illusion that a so-called national strategy can be effective; it would be laughable if it were not so tragic.

Soon after publishing our vision about Movimento Insieme and organizing the first few meetings, we realized that a structure was necessary, so that it provides for transparency and accountability. We decided to move forward with setting up a non-profit Association in Italy. For several reasons, that took much longer than originally expected, however now we are ready. Movimento Insieme is now officially established, registered with the authorities and with its own bank account, so that it can be as transparent as it can get with its activities.

We are then relaunching and we invite you All to join us in the journey to the European Federal Union!

Please visit our web site and join our channels on Slack and on WhatsApp. More importantly, do make sure that you join our next meeting, on Tuesday October 18th at 19:00 CET. Here is the pertinent meeting link.

Looking then forward to meeting you All on October 18th! For most of us, the establishment of the European Federal Union has always been a dream, often feeling like a very remote one. Now pragmatism has made the realization of this dream an actual need for every European. Let’s, then, make it happen!

With my warmest regards from Athens,

Dimitris Tsingos Founder Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union



Dimitris Tsingos

Tech entrepreneur. Startup investor. Loves politics, philosophy and science. European federalist.