Declaration of the Peoples’ Movement for the European Federal Union
Fellow peoples of Europe,
The European Union has been created and evolved the decades that followed the tragedy of the Second World War. It started with the primary objective of healing the open wounds of this unprecedented tragedy. It gradually evolved though to a closer and closer union of member states, which brought us to the ‘Erasmus Generation’, hundreds of millions of young people who feel Europe as their homeland.
As long as there were many Europeans with living memories from the Second World War, the necessity for the Union had never been challenged nor had its direction ever been questioned. Clearly, the EU was destined to become a federal union, with the monetary union being the first significant achievement in this journey.
Unfortunately though, time has passed and these living memories of the war are fading away together with the subjects carrying them. In parallel, the fast evolving international landscape in terms of economy and diplomacy is calling for a stronger European voice.
All of a sudden, what was till recently perceived as unthinkable starts to be happening. Several voices in Europe do not hesitate to question the very necessity for European integration. These voices, populist and nationalistic mostly, are in essence boosted by the notorious inability of national political elites to meet proper governance standards in terms of strategic direction. More often than not, governments across Europe unfairly blame the EU for anything bad may happen, hiding this way their lack of governing capacity.
Apparently, it has been proven an unrealistic expectation of us All, the peoples of Europe, to witness national governments to promote true European integration, as this very integration is perceived as suicidal for and by themselves. It is then time for us All to respond to the call of history for continuing the journey started by our parents and our grandparents. The time has come for Europe to be united in real, for the EU to evolve to the European Federal Union.
It is not about a rhetoric statement, asking national governments to do something about that; on the contrary, the very subjects who make national government legitimate now demand the creation of a federal state with clearly defined competences, believing that this is what best serves the peoples’ interest.
The Rome Manifesto, authored by a diverse group of progressive young Europeans in 2017, offers an excellent platform for the launch of a pan-European political movement for the European Federal Union. Our priorities are simple:
- We want a democratically elected executive governing branch for the European Federal Union, complemented by a federal judiciary branch and of course a federal parliament.
- We want to unite the military and the diplomatic resources of all of the European Federal Union Member States, under the command of the federal European government.
- We want to enhance the European monetary union with federal budget management, federal taxation and, of course, federal borrowing.
- In parallel we want a plethora of competencies to be repatriated to the national level, achieving the highest level of clarity and accountability between fender and state level competencies.
The vision of the EU’S founding fathers was to create a family able to protect all of its members throughout their whole lives. Our understanding of protection includes liberty, equality, justice, human rights, economic independence but also welfare and healthcare for each and every citizen of Europe. The coronavirus pandemic and the miserably uncoordinated response of the EU member states made the need for European integration more evident than never before.
The coronavirus pandemic uncovered several quite uncomfortable truths. The peoples of Europe have been paying enormous amounts for many decades in order to create and sustain Europe’s pride, the social state. Yet, the moment when the social state should protect the peoples of Europe, the moment when this enormous investment had to pay off, it notoriously failed to do so.
Why was that? Evidently because of the unnecessary fragmentation and because of the inability to explore economies of scale. The nation-state illusion is the one to blame for the loss of tens of thousands of Europeans during this pandemic, under truly unthinkable conditions. The news of Italy receiving help from China, Russia and Cuba, instead of receiving help from their sibling EU member states, marked a deep wound to the feelings and the pride of every European. The news, this unthinkable lack of solidarity, made hundreds of millions of Europeans realize that, should an existential threat come up, European solidarity under the current EU status is anything but certain. This has been the straw that broke the camel’s back. A true change is needed now. The European Federal Union has to come to existence immediately.
The peoples of Europe have now realized that our parents’ and grandparents’ vision for a truly united Europe is the right way forward. For this vision to come to life, we need to keep moving in the same direction and to accelerate the pertinent pace. It is up to us, the peoples of Europe, to demand and achieve the creation of the European Federal Union and this is the founding objective of our pan-European political movement.
In the days, weeks and months to come we aim to inform and mobilize as many of the 500 millions Europeans as possible. We are confident that the fundamental law of democracy, which is no other than respecting the will of the many, will prevail. For most of the EU member states, participating in the European Federal Union will be their first time of being truly independent, truly free. This fundamental liberty is a right for each and every European and our movement aims to solidify it.
The European Federal Union will have the means to stimulate European economy, to secure research, scientific, technological, academic and digital sovereignty. Federal Europe will bring individuals and businesses back to the route of growth and prosperity via leveraging its enormous resources in the most efficient possible manner.
United we stand to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. United we stand to deal with the economic crisis which will inevitably follow it. United we stand to build a superpower of freedom, justice, equality and growth for all of its 500 million people and for positively influencing the whole world. United we stand for making The European Federal Union our exciting new reality.
Europe, April 2020
Do you want to participate to the Peoples’ Movement for the European Federal Union? Please get in touch with me.
Appendix — Our political platform: The Rome Manifesto, March 2017
IN THE BELIEF that the European Union of today is unfit to face the major challenges of our time,
IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that the European future is in the people’s hands,
IN THE CONVICTION that European unity, rather than division, is the best way forward,
We, as young Europeans, have come together 60 years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome to stand up for Europe.
We believe that it is our duty as the next generation to contribute to the shaping of our common destiny, and we invite every European to join us in this endeavor.
These are turbulent times. The world around us is changing quickly and often in contrast to what we expect. In Europe, too, extreme nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise, endangering the democratic values the generations before us fought to establish. European unity is under threat.
We, the young generation, see it as our duty to not only uphold Europe’s legacy, but to strive for its urgent renewal. Our lives have been shaped by the ambitious project of a politically united Europe. We are the first generation released from the political divisions of the Cold War and from the harsh confrontation with our neighbors.
We have experienced open borders and easy traveling, a single currency and common citizenship, education exchanges and new technologies, all of which have allowed us to meet other Europeans and concretely enhanced our conviction of belonging together.
This is why with this Manifesto, we wish to set out how we see our future together: how our common identity is shaped; why we need European integration; how we can put people at the heart of the European project and what concrete institutions and procedures we propose for our European Federal Union.
If we wish to live together in peace, prosperity and solidarity under one roof, we must understand what it means to be European: we can take pride both in our own country and feel at home in the rich diversity of other European countries, cities and regions. These components exist in harmony and are not mutually exclusive.
“European identity is a mosaic, rich and colorful due to the diversity of its pieces.”
European identity is a mosaic, rich and colorful due to the diversity of its pieces. This diversity cannot be lost without losing the essence of the mosaic itself. As the Greek myth of Europa shows, migration flows have always been a part of it, both challenging and enriching our identity. Everyone can be European regardless of one’s place of birth and can contribute to the shaping and to the future of the European project.
Our identity is neither static nor monolithic; it evolves as we meet and speak with others. Being European means to be an active part of a broader community, facing common problems and embracing a common destiny.
We do not need to learn to be Europeans, we just need to recognize that we already are. Our identity is built on reconciliation after terrible wars and cruelties. Our history binds us together as does geography.
Ancient cultures and religions — the Greek and the Roman, the Jewish, the Christian and the Islamic, the Germanic and the Slavic — have produced an extraordinary legacy of literature, sciences, arts and music. The peaceful coexistence and mutual acknowledgement of different faiths are crucial for our future.
Humanism, the enlightenment, rational and critical thinking have contributed to separating the roles of politics, law and religion within society. Today a set of shared beliefs defines our common good.
Freedom and democracy constitute the foundation of European societies and cannot be unbound from respect for the rule of law. As outcomes of modern European political thinking, liberalism and human rights have provided the ground for the post-war reflection on equality, social justice and peace.
After World War II, Europe embarked on the path of integration because nationalism had brutally failed.
The European project, as proposed by the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman in May 1950, promised peace and prosperity to European nations willing to pool their most important resources. This unprecedented approach was richly rewarded: European integration has delivered beyond expectation on its promise of peace and prosperity.
Yet today, Europe’s achievements are mostly taken for granted and the old vision is fading. The European Union’s institutions are weakened because people consider them incomprehensible, bureaucratic, and lacking in democratic legitimacy. They have been unable to support Southern Europe in overcoming the economic crisis that has hit the younger generation particularly hard.
Nationalist movements reject the idea of finding common solutions to common problems. We disagree. We believe that Europe is needed more than ever to safeguard our security and prosperity. European unity and solidarity are the only rational answers to the challenges of our age, from climate change to migration, from rising inequality to digitalization, from terrorism to the threat of war.
“Today, Europe’s achievements are mostly taken for granted.”
European integration must move forward on new grounds because only together we can work towards a better global order. This is why we propose a European Federal Union that puts its citizens at the center and focuses on protecting and serving them.
The European Federal Union is based on a renewed social contract between Europe and its people, ensuring the following rights:
Every person has the right to freedom and dignity. The Federal Union promotes and safeguards the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.
Every person has the right to live safely and free of fear of physical harm. The Federal Union protects people in its territory from internal and external threats to their security that cannot effectively be addressed at the member state level.
Every citizen of the Federal Union has the right to a productive life anywhere within the Federal Union. The Federal Union ensures the free movement of people. It fosters prosperity and job creation by providing a fully integrated single market and a European level playing field.
Every citizen of the Federal Union has the right to enjoy equal opportunities in terms of education and receive social protection to cover basic needs. The Federal Union is committed to social justice and the fight against unfair inequalities, exclusion and especially youth unemployment.
Every person has the right to a clean environment. The Federal Union, acting also in the interest of future generations, protects the environment and promotes an efficient use of natural resources.
The European Union today has a complex institutional architecture which is difficult to understand by the citizens, and fosters distrust vis-à-vis the EU. The current system of governance based on intergovernmentalism is unable to address the challenges facing Europe in an effective and transparent manner. We therefore call for a new constitutional architecture, designed to simplify Europe’s form of government and improve legitimacy as well as accountability.
“We hold a Federal Union to be a system with clear separations of powers.”
We believe that only an institutional regime endowed with clearly defined competences, and legitimated through appropriate democratic processes, will win the support of European citizens. We hold a Federal Union to be a system with clear separations of powers, vertically between the Union and its member states, and horizontally between the institutions of the Union itself.
Vertical separation of powers will be achieved by neatly dividing the competences of the Federal Union and the competences of the member states. Sovereignty will be divided between the Union and its member states according to the principle of subsidiarity.
The Federal Union shall have competence in foreign affairs and immigration, counter-terrorism and defense, the internal market, competition and trade. It will have a common currency and a fiscal policy designed to ensure the proper functioning of the economic and monetary union.
The Federal Union shall not be a super-state. It will refrain from overly intrusive regulation. Any competence which is not explicitly delegated to the Union shall remain with the member states. Moreover, some competences which are currently exercised at EU level can be repatriated to the member states.
Budgetary powers shall be divided between the Federal Union and its member states. The Federal Union will have a reasonable budget financed through taxation and not through transfers from member states’ budgets. The member states will be independently responsible for their budgetary processes and for the service of their debt according to the no-bailout rule.
Horizontal separation of powers will be achieved by clearly distinguishing the functions of the various Union institutions. As required by principles of constitutionalism, the institutional system of the Federal Union will be based on a legislative, an executive and a judicial power.
The legislative power of the Federal Union will be divided between the European Parliament and a European Senate — which will result from the merging of the current European Council and the Council. The European Parliament, directly elected by the Union’s citizens through a uniform electoral procedure, will act as the house of the people. The European Senate, composed of members of national governments, will act as the house of the states. Every piece of Union legislation, regardless of the authority initiating it, shall be approved both by the European Parliament, voting by majority, and by the European Senate, voting by qualified majority.
The executive power of the Federal Union will be vested in a European President elected through a democratic process. The President will represent the Union in international affairs and head the European administration evolved from the current European Commission. In fields where neutrality is required such as monetary policy or competition, independent agencies will be established.
The judicial power of the Federal Union will be exercised by the European Court of Justice, which shall be entitled to review Union legislative and administrative acts for compliance with the separation of powers and the existing Charter of Fundamental Rights. The European Court of Justice shall ensure the uniform application of Union law and its supremacy over state law.
In order to prevent the break-up of the European project and to move forward with integration, we propose to draw up a constitution defining in clear and binding terms the powers and governance structure of the Federal Union. This constitution shall enter into force when a majority of today’s EU member states have ratified it through a dedicated procedure. The Federal Union will welcome any European country sharing its values.
“European unity and solidarity are the only rational answers to the challenges of our age.”
Countries which do not ratify the constitution will not be members of the Federal Union, but the Union will associate them as closely as possible. Member states of the Federal Union will not be allowed to obtain opt-outs. The institutions of the Federal Union are empowered to enforce compliance by the member states with the principles and values which are enshrined in the Union’s constitution.
To ensure speedy adoption, we invite national parliaments to appoint at the earliest state delegates who shall meet in Rome in 2017 to draw up a constitution of the Federal Union reflecting the principles spelled out above.
As the young generation of Europeans, we are convinced that change is necessary and possible. Standing on the shoulders of giants, we are not afraid of claiming that the true European spirit is democratic, tolerant, pluralist and cosmopolitan.
Now, not tomorrow, is the time to show that we can build our house on stones so solid that it can withstand any storm.
Viva l’Europa!